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Step 1: Select your most recent Time Trial, Race, or estimated event distance.

Step 2: Enter in your time for that distance.

Step 3: Calculate

Step 4: Select "Training"

Paces to use


This pace is where we will aim to be on all of our easy runs. This should keep you in a Zone 2 effort based off of your Time Trial time. Listen to your body, if you need to slow down then do so.


This will be our pace for our 'Tempo' runs. This pace should be getting us into a tough but sustainable Zone 3 effort. For Tempo workouts we can start a little slower and build into this pace/effort.


This will be the pace in which we target for our repeats. You will notice there are 1mi, 1k, 800m, 400m, and 200m paces. These will be the most commonly used paces we use in our workouts. The difference between repeats and intervals is the rest period. For repeat type workouts, you will stop for a set time and rest after each repeat. For intervals you will walk or jog to recover for a set distance or time.


These paces will be used during our prescribed interval workouts. With interval training we are not stopping to rest. During our recovery period, we will walk or jog for a set time or distance, leading into our next interval.

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