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What to Expect in Your Stay Beefy Workout Routine: Transitioning to Strength Peak

What to Expect in Your Stay Beefy Workout Routine: Transitioning to Strength Peak


As we progress through our fitness journey, it's essential to continually adapt and evolve our training approach to keep challenging ourselves and achieving new goals. With that in mind, I'm excited to announce some upcoming changes to our workout program.

Transitioning into a Strength Peak Cycle:

After this week, we'll be shifting our focus towards a strength peak cycle. This phase of training will allow us to maximize our lifts, particularly in the realm of Olympic lifting, and then transition into building absolute strength with exercises like the back squat, deadlift, and more.

While strength will be our primary focus, we'll still incorporate metcons into our workouts to maintain conditioning and keep things dynamic. Expect to see a mix of challenging workouts that will push your limits and help you progress in functional fitness.


Incorporating Skills and Progressions:

During this phase, we'll also be incorporating various skills and progressions to enhance our overall athleticism and performance. From mastering movements like toes to bar to refining techniques in Olympic lifts, we'll be working on building a well-rounded skillset that translates to improved performance in functional fitness.


Stay Informed and Engaged:

To keep you informed and prepared for the upcoming changes, I'll be dropping an information list tomorrow morning detailing what to expect throughout the week and moving forward. If you have any questions or curiosities about the new phase of training, don't hesitate to ask in our chat. Additionally, mark your calendars for our Zoom call on Wednesday, where you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, receive tailored advice, and engage in one-on-one discussions with myself and Nick.



As we transition into this strength peak cycle, I encourage you to embrace the challenge and push yourself to new heights. Remember that progress is a journey, and each step forward brings you closer to your fitness goals. Stay committed, stay focused, and together, we'll continue to strive for excellence in our fitness pursuits.

Get ready to unleash your inner strength and conquer new milestones in your fitness journey. Let's make this next phase of training our best yet!

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, keep pushing the limits.

Best regards,

Coach Jeremy

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